Cindy’s Newest Book!
COMMANDIFESTATION: Commanding Manifestation
Commandifestation is a powerful, comprehensive method to create a life beyond your wildest dreams!
Are you ready to change in your life in positively miraculous ways? Cindy coined the term “Commandifestation” to describe the shortcut to discovering your life’s purpose and aligning with new opportunities, success, love, health, fulfillment, peace, and contentment beyond your wildest dreams! The principles of Commandifestation are not found in most religious or spiritual philosophies, yet all that is required is an open mind and willingness to entertain new concepts that can benefit all aspects of your life. Learn who you really are, what may be blocking you, and how to eliminate the blocks. Then learn how to receive messages from your inner guidance, attract abundance, and unlock limitless potential using this comprehensive yet straightforward method. Prepare to be astounded with your new, exciting life!
Reader comments:
“Filled with ‘Aha!’ moments and actionable solutions Cindy Riggs’ new book provides a simple approach to understanding our place and purpose in the universe. Based on her decades of work in the spirit realm, combined with her keen perspectives, Cindy has prepared a digest of elevated ideas that are presented in a well-grounded and practical manner. The insights and teachings shared in “Commandifestation” outline a direct route to living with deliberate intention, joy and personal success.”
“Thank you for writing that book. It was so much needed at this time.”
“God bless you. And thanks so much for this beautiful book no. 3. I love them all. And your podcasts.”
“I LOVE the book! It’s perfect! ❤️❤️❤️”
“Love your book – Love love love it”
Get a signed copy directly from Cindy – shipped to you, at an upcoming expo (see Calendar), or during your next visit to Cindy’s office! Contact Cindy
Visit Cindy’s Store to purchase signed copies.
Softcover and Kindle versions available on Amazon.com.

Buddha Speaks: Messages From An Ascended Master
Free Intro: Listen to Otto Collins and Cindy as they discuss the creation of the audiobook, some fascinating philosophies and synchronicities during the process, and how the Buddha transmits energy directly to you as you listen to [or read] the book! Otto and Cindy – Buddha Speaks Discussion
The Buddha first appeared to Cindy in 2002, and she has been channeling the ascended master ever since. He has been eager to make his words and energy available to our 21st Century world. Cindy hopes you find this compilation of empowering information, energy and exercises to be as illuminating as she has!
Reader comments:
“Love this book! From the beginning to the end, flowed with love and inspiration and truth jumped off the pages into my heart! I love this book, I want to buy one for all my family and friends! The best book I ever read!! Thank you Cindy for sharing the love to all of us!!!”
“Everything you need to know is in this book!”
“I am enjoying ‘Buddha Speaks!’ I love the clarity.”
“Started the Buddha book last night, LOVE it! And you are so awesome for bringing all this information forward!” ?
“I love this book, but when I did what was on page 19, I closed my eyes to do what it said, an when I did it was like slow motion I saw eyes, nose, mouth, and chin, it was Buddha, just as if I could touch him. All I can say is wow. Thank you for everything.❤”
Get a signed copy directly from Cindy – shipped to you, at an upcoming expo, special event, or during your next visit to Cindy’s office!
Visit Cindy’s Store to purchase signed copies.
Softcover and Kindle versions available on Amazon.com, and Audiobook version available on Audible

Vishnu Speaks: Messages of Enlightenment From The Ancient Deity
In 2010, Cindy encountered the Hindu supreme god Vishnu and her life was forever changed. Vishnu speaks spiritual truths for the evolution of humanity, and you may even receive the “ascension codes” as you read this book, awakening for you further spiritual and psychic awareness!
Reader comments:
“I can’t tell you (and certainly not in an email!) how extraordinary I found the book, Vishnu Speaks, and how much it has changed EVERYTHING! My life is not the same since I read it, and I will re-read it again and again.”
“I have read your book 3 times now and get more out of it each time.”
“Everyone needs to read this book. It’s the handbook for life.”
“I’ve heard these concepts before, but with Vishnu’s straightforward manner, I finally understand them. Thank you!”
“I am reading your book. It is amazing! Just what I needed to read at this point in my life! It is a gift. Thank you!”
‘I found many of the spiritual principles and insights I have read over the years compiled into one coherent form. This form is simple and clear.”
“I’m reading your Vishnu book…and having a few epiphanies…keep up the great work you do!”
“Cindy, I am writing to commend you for your admirable and peerless job in channeling Lord Vishnu. Not many people in the West know much about Vishnu and even among Hindus most people know about Him through His incarnations as Rama and Krishna. It was unthinkable that one day Lord Vishnu will be imparting a message to the modern world. His dictations are most sublime and impregnated with wisdom and delivered in the simplest and straightforward language. I want to felicitate you again for the most precious gift you have bestowed to Lightworkers and other spiritually minded souls.”
“I’m reading it again for the third time, this time with highlighting!”
“…this book is a gift to us all.”
“[Vishnu Speaks and Buddha Speaks] are far more than the average books. Your channeling ability is amazing! The fact that you used that ability to create those books AND included energy transmissions that DO work, sets you apart from other authors.”
Get a signed copy directly from Cindy – shipped to you, at an upcoming expo, special event, or during your next visit to Cindy’s office!
Visit Cindy’s Store to purchase signed copies.
Softcover and Kindle versions available on Amazon.com.